Management And Engagement

Engaging Stakeholders

GRI102-40, GRI102-43, GRI102-44

Understanding the perspectives, goals and values of our valued stakeholders from all backgrounds is essential. To respond to their needs and to foster long-term trust, we maintain two-way communication via these channels:

In addition to ongoing engagement with representatives of our major stakeholders, four independent interview programmes were undertaken to prepare this report. We engaged members of our workforce, contractors, professional institutions and clients to gain an in-depth understanding of their expectations, and gather feedback for our continuous improvement on long-term sustainability and overall performance.

Supporting External
Associations and Committees

To bolster our external engagement, ArchSD representatives provide recommendations to and share knowledge with professional bodies and external committees, such as:

  • Steering Committee on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality, to steer long-term strategy in combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality in Hong Kong;
  • DEVB Building Information Modelling (BIM) Working Group to formulate strategies for promoting the adoption of BIM and digital technology in the construction industry;
  • Joint Working Group on Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), to identify suitable technology and practice of modular integrated construction in Hong Kong; and
  • Steering Committee on the Promotion of Green Building and Renewable Energy, to formulate strategies to promote green buildings and renewable energy and make recommendations on relevant measures.