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Site Appraisal

Site appraisal deals with the relationship between the building site and its surrounding environment. It may include:

  1. Compatibility of the proposed use with its surrounding:
    Building to match services and facilities in the surroundings, e.g. a residential building is better located near playground and market.
  2. Availability of infrastructure:
    Survey on the capability of the existing roads, public sewers, electricity supplies, etc.
  3. Accessibility:
    Pedestrian access, transportation network and traffic of the area.
  4. Site geography and local micro-climate:
    Site topography for the proposed building, beneficial effect of using natural source of energy e.g. solar energy, daylight, natural ventilation, etc.

Stanley Complex

Stanley Complex is a renowned tourist destination blending of scenic views with historical monuments, social elements and environmental measures within one building. In tune with sustainable development measures, this multi-purpose centre serves as the focal point of the Stanley community, facilitating the progressive development of cultural, recreational, learning and environmental aspects.

Stanley Complex

Veterinary Laboratory at Tai Lung

The building form is designed according to the existing sloping site to minimize cutting and maximize the panoramic view towards the Tai Lung Farm and the Hong Kong Golf Club. The building form, setting of building blocks together with the roof garden allow the built structure to blend with its surrounding natural environment.

Veterinary Laboratory at Tai Lung
Veterinary Laboratory at Tai Lung
Design coherent with the surrounding environment