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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy generated from naturally replenished sources such as sunlight, wind, tides, and heat from the earth’s core. Unlike conventional energy sources like coal, oil and other fossil fuels, renewable energy is plentiful and does not produce greenhouse gases during operation. High oil prices as well as climate change concerns have contributed to the promotion of alternative renewable energies as a solution to growing energy demand and diminishing oil supply.

Please click here to access more information on Renewable Energy.

The Hong Kong Government aims to generate 1 to 2 percent of the City’s electricity supply using renewable energy by 2012. Consistent with this sustainable development strategy, new government buildings shall aim to achieve energy saving provided by renewable energy technologies. For example, new schools and educational buildings shall aim to achieve at least 0.5 percent of its annual electricity consumption using renewable energy. Prevalent technologies applied to Hong Kong’s public buildings include solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, solar hot water system, solar lighting, wind turbines, and bio-gas electricity generation.


Headquarters of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

A total of 2300 PV panels with peak capacity of 350kWh, capable of generating 400MWh electricity energy per year are installed at the roof of the Headquarters of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department in Kai Tak, which in turn could reduce the production of 210 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

Please click here to access more information on Headquarters of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.

Headquarters of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Headquarters of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department 2

Fire Station with Ambulance Depot & Police Post at Penny´s Bay, Lantau

Fire Station with Ambulance Depot & Police Post at Penny Bay, demonstrates the innovative use of PV panels as roof. A total capacity of 85kWh PV panels are installed which is able to generate about 10% of the electricity used by the complex.  

Please click here to access more information on Fire Station with Ambulance Depot & Police Post at Penny´s Bay, Lantau.

  renewable energy 3

reflective tubes bring light into a deep plan building   reflective tubes bring light into a deep plan building 2
Reflective tubes bring light into a deep plan building

An example of horizontal-axis wind turbine.
An example of horizontal-axis wind turbine.